The Legitimate Rights of Southern Cameroons Independence, (The Republic of Ambazonia).



Fig 1. Map of Southern Cameroons
Fig 2. Official Flag of Ambazonia

Above is the official map of Southern Cameroons and the official flag of Ambazonia (former British Southern Cameroons which today is illegally recognised as the North West and South West regions of La Republique du Cameroun).

Achieving goals and dreams usually requires some level of sacrifice. It might mean putting everything in life on the hold in favour of working towards your dreams, investing all of your savings, or giving up a few hours of sleep each night. Many people proclaim they want to achieve their goals, yet are unwilling to pay the price it takes to make their dreams a reality.

However, before you can ever choose to pay the price, you must know what the price is. If you don’t know what will truly be required to make your dreams a reality, investigate what it will take to achieve your desired goals. Research the causes of your discontent, the cost you might be required to pay and the costs other people have had to pay to achieve dreams similar to yours.

But if the price is something you are willing to pay, commit yourself to achieving your dream, no matter what it takes. The willingness therefore to do whatever is required is the magic ingredient that helps you persevere in the face of the challenges, setbacks, pain, and even personal injury.

Total independence for Southern Cameroons is my ultimate dream, if your dream is alike, then we have to fight for it till the end, in fact till the last man standing.

The way to independence for Southern Cameroons, is in the hands of the United Nations, Britain, and the people of Southern Cameroonians themselves. The UN should pursue the same path it took to grant independence to other UN trust territories. It must be highlighted here that Southern Cameroons is a unique UN trust territory that was and is still annexed by La Republique du Cameroun and France through an orthodox means by granting it independence with union within La Republique du Cameroun in 1961.

The UN should implement the UNGA Resolution 1514 – (XIV) of 14 December 1960 on the granting of independence to colonial territories and peoples, in which Southern Cameroons is a colonial territory within the UN.

History is one thing that must be referred to in order to avoid a repeat of a costly mistake in the future. It is in the light of the above that La Republique du Cameroun government failed to correct these mistakes more than 5 decades ago by totally assimilating, subjugating and annexation of Southern Cameroons.

To therefore correct these mistakes committed by La Republique du Cameroun, in 2016, lawyers went on a strike in an effort to force the government to stop appointing francophone magistrates who have no mastery of the English language and had no training in English Common Law to preside over courts in Southern Cameroons. Thus, during peaceful demonstrations in the cities of Buea and Bamenda, the lawyers were roughly manhandled by government forces.

Teachers too on their part, came out in support of the lawyers. They wanted the government to stop posting and transferring francophone teachers who have no mastery of the English language to teach subjects other than French in Anglophone schools. The government responded by banning the trade unions, many members-some of whom were engaged in negotiations with the government were arrested, and jailed on charges of terrorism and attempts to change the form of state.

As people across other professions sympathise with the teachers and lawyers, who instituted ‘ghosts towns’ in Southern Cameroon cities, everywhere on certain days of the week as part of a large scale boycott, the government again responded by shutting down the internet for 91 days.

As a result, the Southern Cameroonians took the matter in their own hands, and became more determined than ever before for a restoration of the independence of their statehood (Ambazonia).

Southern Cameroons must therefore be strong, resilient, focused, united and remember that there is no freedom served to any one person or people on a plate of gold. We will fight till one man remain standing, noting that there is no turning back. We will stop at nothing until we get what rightly belongs to us and our generations to come which is INDEPENDENCE.

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