It is worse than it looks 

Since 2016, southern Cameroons have not been the same. People are going to bed not knowing if they will see a new day! Life just changed for so many. The old, the young, the toddlers. The mobile,  the infirmed.  All from unpredictable violence and war crimes committed on civilians by the Cameroun army.

  Là Republic soldiers are now burglars.

They have become thieves in broad daylight! Talking to a friend,  I learned that the soldiers will barge into people’s houses looking for the separatist fighters, or I should say ARF(Ambazonian Restoration Forces). Since they are wiser than the là Republic soldiers,  they take it out on unarmed civilians. They will barge into people’s houses turning the house upside down looking for people they know will not hide in the house.They do this in order to steal from people’s bags. How can people get used to such a life? People have panic attacks whenever guns are pointed at them.!


         Anger and Revenge 

The soldiers are frustrated and desperate as they go around causing all this pain, but still, go on without salaries for months or even years!. How will they not be angry and frustrated? (You could say ‘Who wouldn’t be angry and frustrated?)Who goes around working this degrading job as a soldier and still ends up penniless! Paul Biya Bivondo, who is responsible for this country, is taking backward steps because he knows that he is losing. For him to move forward,  he sends the poor soldiers to go out and make themselves stupid. Shame on you Mr President. 

                No going back

We are winning.! There is no turning back. The blood of so many has been poured for us to stop. Ambazonian must be free. Freedom and nothing else.


Just to remind the government of là Republic du Cameroun that they better let us go because we aren’t going back. Mr Biya, wake up and accept defeat. God bless Southern Cameroons 🙌. 

By Vivian Ngum

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