The aftermath of the anglophone crises on southern Cameroonian citizens

If you are a Southern  Cameroonian you  will suffer 

1) Discrimination 

2) Marginalisation 



5)Lack of Social  Cohesion 

6)Negative  behaviour  such as Violence, Criminality,loss of Rights 

7)You will be seen as a secessionist  and as a Rebel.

9) You will be called degrading names like dogs ,anglofools , biafra, enemy in the house,two cubes of sugar .

This  explains why those in the government like the Prime Minister Dion Ngutte, and Atanga Nji Paul can only survive by singing praises to the “Head of State”.

That is why Atanga  Nji Paul  once said in one of his speeches as, and I quote ‘ Paul Biya is appointed by God ‘ and as such unopposed.

The Biya regime does not see us as humans. Which explains why pregnant women, children, babies and even disabled persons are being murdered in cold blood. Pictures of women and children murdered in cold blood.

By Electa shalo

The voice of the silenced victim! (My voice, my weapon!)

(A tribute to Southern Cameroon, envisaging the daily demise of those living and witnessing the

agony of French suppression and genocide, but with a mind of victory at the end.)


Cry my beloved country!

Raped, abused, tortured, killed, adducted, amidst violence, unrest, brutality, arrested development, no progress, hate, All because I asked.

Asked to be recognised, asked to live, asked to be accepted in my own home.

I am bartered and tortured. My children hiding in the bushes, some missing, how many are dead?

The pain is excruciating, I never dreamt of walking this path, I never dreamt of this dread, doesn’t it say tomorrow will be better?

But gloom has been lurking around.

What do you hear from the other end?

Noises, gunshots, screaming, agony, torture, another soul just departed, in an undignified manner,

What do you see? Houses going ablaze, flying bullets

Human carcases lying around like life doesn’t matter any longer.

The pain I nested yesterday, waiting for release has created a hallow in my heart, as the situation becomes worst.  Has it come to stay?

These questions keep going on in the mind.  Panic and fear of yesterday has turned into heroic bravery and disillusion. I am torn between two thoughts, and it keeps me in a spiral.

I feel the rage and urge to do something, but I feel disillusioned as my vision becomes so blurred, because my own words have come my very own victim.

 I am so scared, and my mouth is shut. I am the silenced victim

 No way to express, only the mind can process until it becomes disillusioned

Then life begins to appear in the shades of agony. Pain and sorrow has become the norm of the day.

Agony and disillusion has become a life style. The story from the next door neighbour is the same.

The next phone call is received with panic… did you hear what happened to…?

The next message is opened after a silent prayers, can this be another news

Laughter on the lips but the heart is sunk in deep sorrow.

I no longer know who walks besides me, I am suspicious of the other, what if I express my mind?

Will I be like him lamenting behind the big bars, will I end up being more afflicted and silenced

So I keep it all in my head, until I am almost losing my mind

I am losing my identity! Should I join them, to them it is either I am like them or extinct … assimilation?

I am torn from within. I cannot lose myself, that is who I am. This thoughts have been buzzling my head. My identity is my reality.

Until life is losing its very  meaning. Everyday is another cry for survival.

The sweet memories of the yesteryears are what I try to hold on to, but the pictures are becoming blur.

There is need for a tomorrow picture, but what do I see?  

A youthful population, exploited and extinct, fear and panic everywhere. I try to rise,  but I no longer know what tomorrow holds

Exchange of gunshots; but there is a contradiction to this

How can big machinery guns compare to local riffles?

My eyes are seeing the impossible

I am becoming accustomed to the despicable

The noise that made me run away in frenzy yesterday is what I wait to hear the next minute.

This noise has been likened to one of my favourite snacks “popcorn”.

I even laugh at the sound as it has become like a video game in my eyes and to my ears.

Pondering on the genesis of all these,  how I found myself in this union.

Thinking to myself;

I thought we were in agreement when we came together, I thought we had mutual respect for each other, I had given you all my confidence and support, but didn’t know you had an agenda.

How naïve I was to believe you. Now I am silenced and cheated. Downtrodden and exploited

My voice can be heard only within my own thoughts because I now fear you.

But this is over, we have come to a breaking point.

The spill must be out

The hallow must be sorted

The wounds must be healed.

I am no different from you. My name is my identity

I must be free from your dirty hands, stained with blood, hate and deceit.

My disillusion has turn to bravery.

The wells are boiling up and must spill over.

I am up to your challenge

I refuse to be silenced.

No more a victim but a victor

I have a voice

And with my voice I cry out!!!

My God is my helper and will come for me!

You must let go!!!!!


Written by: Emilia Efeti Agey



They forgot they said this. But I haven’t forgotten:
“The form of state is non-negotiable”
“Cameroon is one and indivisible” 
“When the lawyers are hungry, they will come back to court” LAURENT ESSO (October 2016)
– “Anglophones are an insignificant minority” ISSA TCHIROMA BAKARY (Nov 2016)
– “When the consortium collapses, they will ask us” LAURENT ESSO (January 2017)
– “The common law has no place in Cameroon” ATANGA NJI (January 2017)
– “English speakers have no problem”
– “We never asked people to join us, it was your choice to join us” AMADOU ALI
– “Anglophones will never govern Cameroon” AMADOU ALI.
– “What are you going to do? English speakers are 2 sugar cubes in a basin of water” FAME NDONGO
– “force will  be use to  enforce the law!” ISSA TCHIROMA
– “stop your dogs because if they go out we will kill them all” OKALIA BILAYI governor of SOUTH-WEST
– “We do not dialogue with the terrorists ISSA TCHIROMA
– “They are not English speakers but Pigin speakers.” MATHIAS ERIC OWONA NGUINI
– “There is no English speaking problem in Cameroon there is rather a Cameroonian problem MEON.  That explains why the conflict in the Anglophone regions has never been deliberated  upon in the Parliament 
– “the army must ratify these two English-speaking areas” JEAN JACQUE ZE
– “If a Cameroonian television channel gives the floor to secessionists, we will shut it down.” ISSA TCHIROMA
– “I asked my colonel son in the English-speaking areas to kill at least 30 English-speakers I have the means to defend him in the military court” SAMUEL OBAM ASSAM
“The Head of State has the right to kill all English speakers”
” a Bamileke will never be president in Cameroon ”
“They think they are more English speaking than who? LAURENT ESSO
“Paul biya has the right to kill everyone to preserve national integrity” BANDA KANI
“The government will use force  to enforce  law and order ” ATANGA NJI
“Any Civil Servant who does not go to work on  ghost town days declared by the restoration forces as civil disobedience will be considered a terrorist and will be condemned to death”.
“It’s not the English speakers, who are   fighting  as Ambazonians  it’s an external force coming from Nigeria” VISION 4
“A thousand deaths is nothing. Even God razed Sodom and Gomhorre ”Engelbert Essomba.
Remember that all these people are still in government and have never been worried. how can arsonists claim to stop a crisis  they started 

Written by Electa Shalo  Manyimuchua

 Asst Sec Gen SCNC UK .

I hope there are no lumps missing!!

It is worse than it looks 

Since 2016, southern Cameroons have not been the same. People are going to bed not knowing if they will see a new day! Life just changed for so many. The old, the young, the toddlers. The mobile,  the infirmed.  All from unpredictable violence and war crimes committed on civilians by the Cameroun army.

  Là Republic soldiers are now burglars.

They have become thieves in broad daylight! Talking to a friend,  I learned that the soldiers will barge into people’s houses looking for the separatist fighters, or I should say ARF(Ambazonian Restoration Forces). Since they are wiser than the là Republic soldiers,  they take it out on unarmed civilians. They will barge into people’s houses turning the house upside down looking for people they know will not hide in the house.They do this in order to steal from people’s bags. How can people get used to such a life? People have panic attacks whenever guns are pointed at them.!


         Anger and Revenge 

The soldiers are frustrated and desperate as they go around causing all this pain, but still, go on without salaries for months or even years!. How will they not be angry and frustrated? (You could say ‘Who wouldn’t be angry and frustrated?)Who goes around working this degrading job as a soldier and still ends up penniless! Paul Biya Bivondo, who is responsible for this country, is taking backward steps because he knows that he is losing. For him to move forward,  he sends the poor soldiers to go out and make themselves stupid. Shame on you Mr President. 

                No going back

We are winning.! There is no turning back. The blood of so many has been poured for us to stop. Ambazonian must be free. Freedom and nothing else.


Just to remind the government of là Republic du Cameroun that they better let us go because we aren’t going back. Mr Biya, wake up and accept defeat. God bless Southern Cameroons 🙌

By Vivian Ngum

Russo-Cameroun Military Agreement: A STORM IN A TEA CUP

A. Introduction: Lots of air, ink and ideas have already been wasted in trying to make sense out of the signing and timing of the military cooperation PACT between the Republic of Cameroun and Russia. This article shows you how the Biya regime betrayed its longstanding Western allies and outlines the stated and implied reasons for the timing and signing of the Russo-Cameroun military PACT. Bearing in mind that for every military action undertaken by one super power, there is always an equal or immediate reaction from the other super powers, this article makes a critical analysis of SEVEN possible consequences of Cameroun’s betrayal of her Western allies. The article concludes with an explanation of how Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia) stands to gain more from the negative publicity French Cameroun has caused itself.     In a nutshell, the question therefore, this article seeks to answer is whether or not the timing of Cameroon’s decision to sign a military cooperation agreement with Russia amidst war in Ukraine and Ambazonia is a costly bluff or a betrayal? 

1. On March 22nd 2022, the Biya regime abstained when the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution condemning the Russian invasion of UKRAINE; 2. On April 7th 2022, the Biya regime again abstained when the United Nations General Assembly voted to suspend Russia from the United Nations Human Rights Council following her aggression against Ukraine.  3. On April 22, Cameroun signed a military cooperation agreement with Russia;
1. Cameroun needs Russia training and equipment.2. To reinforce military ties between the two countries. 3. Cameroun intends to effectively combat terrorism (Boko Haram).4. Cameroun secretly intends to use newly acquired equipment and training for combat with Ambazonia freedom fighters.5. Cameroun has lost support from the US and France in its genocidal war in Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia).6. Russia is doing this for geostrategic reasons to win new allies around the Gulf of Guinea.7. To protect Russian 37.5% equity interest in Etinde gas project offshore Victoria located in Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia). 
D. SEVEN CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE RUSSO-CAMEROUN MILITARY PACT;1. The Russo-Cameroun military pact signed on April 12, 2022 can be rightly described as a “costly bluff” to Cameroun. Cameroun claims that as a sovereign nation, it has a choice to discuss and to do business with any nation of its choosing. While this claim is not without any merit, it is equally important to mention here that this is more of a betrayal of old friends, hence a costly bluff on the part of Cameroun. During times of war or crisis, friends and foes choose their sides and the Biya regime has clearly chosen Russia over America, France and UK. It is often said that the hypocrisy of bad friends has no hiding place. The hypocrisy of the Biya regime towards America and her Western allies has been clearly and finally exposed by Cameroun’s neutrality votes in the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization when the question of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine was put on the floor for vote and finally, through the signing of a military pact with Russia when Russia is being isolated by the rest of the world.
2. The Russo-Cameroun military pact could rightly be perceived by America and her Western allies as a betrayal and a slap on their faces by the Biya regime they have been blindly supporting. In America and the West, we grew up learning that, real friendship is shown in a time of crisis. But the Biya regime did the exact opposite by siding a military pact with Russia. It is inconsistent and inconceivable for Mr. Paul Biya to ask Russia and Ukraine to meet and talk over their differences on one day and then turn around the next day only to sign a military cooperation agreement with the same Russia. If this does not amount to granting a moral and psychological victory to Russia over Ukraine and the West, then what is it? If this is not betrayal, then what other name can any rational person use to qualify Cameroun’s decision to sign this agreement at this particular moment of pain and grief in Ukraine, Ambazonia and the world?
3. The decision to sign a military cooperation agreement with Russia and its timing, regardless of the argument that Cameroun is a sovereign nation doesn’t sit down well with any rational person or nation, let alone the United States of America, France and Britain that have been using “caution” as a diplomatic weapon to respond to Paul Biya’s bloody war in a supposed independent country – Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia). That is why the West see the Russo-Cameroun military pact as a betrayal of monumental proportions. America and the West rightly perceive Biya’s military agreement with Russia at this particular point in time as encouraging Russia, fanning the war in Ukraine and a calculated attempt to prolong the genocidal war in Ambazonia. 4. Russia can afford to mess with America, but Cameroun should not. That is why Russia and America are referred to as “super powers” of which Cameroun isn’t one. Therefore, anyone who advised the Yaoundé regime to sign this military agreement with Russia at this particular time hates the Biya regime and doesn’t deserve their employment anymore. Just like the West encouraged Ukraine’s standoff against Russia only to abandon Ukraine to face Russia alone during the invasion, the same fate could befall Cameroun. If America, France and Britain decide today to destroy Cameroun in retaliation and divide the country into two along their recognized international boundaries as obtained at independence on January 1st  1960 (for French Cameroon) and October 1st 1961 (for Southern Cameroons), there is absolutely nothing Russia can do about it. 
5. Following the magnitude of the damage Ukraine is undergoing in the hands of Russia, given the increase in the cost of living in Europe due to the ongoing war, mindful of the uncertainty about the future world order caused by the war in Ukraine, the West may never forgive the Biya regime for what it considers as a blatant betrayal. While America and Russia are fighting their cold war on one end, Cameroun stands the risk of catching the cold on the other end. 
6. The Biya regime can kill people in Southern Cameroons as they like and get away with gross human rights violations and genocide but they can’t get away with picking an irresponsible and ill-timed geopolitical and geostrategic war against France, Britain and the United States of America. It is easy to forgive the mistake from others but it’s hard to rebuild the trust a friend has destroyed. America may never trust Cameroun again. By choosing to sign a military cooperation agreement with Russia at a time that Russian military invasion and aggression against Ukraine is being condemned worldwide, the Biya regime just lost three vital allies in its bloody genocidal war and attempt to forcefully and illegally continue to retain the independent territory of Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia) as an integral part of French Cameroon territory that never was. 
7. Geopolitics is driven by military and economic interests. Only 11% of proven oil reserves in the Cameroons is located within French Cameroun territory, 89% is located within the territory of Southern Cameroons. What is even more, 100% of proven gas reserve is all located offshore Victoria. That is why French Cameroun could be rightly perceived by the West as a burden and no longer a benefit to either Europe or America. No wonder Ambassador Tibor Nagy upon learning about the signing by Cameroun of the April 12 Military pact with Russia saw this as Cameroun signing its own death warrant. In his twit regarding this “military cooperation Agreement” he loudly stated; “Can’t believe Cameroon government incredibly bad timing of signing military deal with Russia – at height of aggression in Ukraine. This is poke in the eye of US and France, two countries Cameroon may need help from in future. But good for Ambazonians.” 
E. Who stands to benefit from Cameroun’s blunder and betrayal of her Western allies?
Paradoxically, these Western powers have been shielding the Biya regime from being referred to the Security Council of the UN or the international criminal court to respond to alleged egregious crimes committed against humanity and genocide in Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia). It is certain therefore, that if America and the West come to the conclusion that; the Biya regime is aiding Russia, they no longer have control over the Biya regime and the territory of East Cameroon has been lost to Russia and China, America can change its policy towards Cameroon by recognizing Ambazonia as an independent State which will enable America to counter Russia via Ambazonia like they have done previously.  
America and her Western allies supported South Korea over North Korea, America and her Western allies Supported South Vietnam over North Vietnam and recently they also supported the creation of South Sudan from mainland Sudan, all because they were trying to counter either Russian or Chinese economic or military influence. Nothing can stop America, France and Britain from supporting Ambazonia to counter Russia and China, whose economic and military influence in French Cameroun is fast becoming a problem to the economic and military interests of American and Western allies in Gulf of Guinea. 
F. CONCLUSION: -The Russo-Cameroun military pact is a storm in a tea cup because people who leave in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Cameroon has so many visible faults (genocidal war, gross violation of human rights, huge embezzlement files, and illegal occupation of Ambazonia) which America and her allies are fully knowledgeable about and have been ignoring that could be opened up in retaliation to this ill-timed and ill-advised military agreement. 
-The Russo-Cameroun military pact is a violation of one of the cardinal laws of power which states that; “never step on the toe of your master.” Cameroun has clearly stepped on the toes of America, France and Britain. These three super powers have been shielding Cameroun’s illegal occupation of Ambazonia and have since been looking the other way while Cameroun commits unacceptable gross violations of human rights and genocide against the people of Sothern Cameroons.  Thanks to these three super powers, crimes that Gadhafi’s regime in Libya, Saddam Hussain’s regime in Iraq and Assad’s regime in Syria could not get away with, the Biya regime has been getting away with, surprisingly. 
Is this going to be the moment and the time Cameroon’s shift towards Russia will force America, France and Britain to open up Cameroun’s dirty files? No matter the answer to this critical question, in my personal opinion, Russia should not help French Cameroon against the interest of Southern Cameroons but should rather try to mediate between the two sides. Any war between Russia and America over the two Cameroons will not benefit the people, it will benefit only arms traffickers and those who thrive under chaotic conditions while the masses suffer. This is a storm in a tea cup that could have been avoided.   

Written  by Electa Shalo 


The Legitimate Rights of Southern Cameroons Independence, (The Republic of Ambazonia).

The Legitimate Rights of Southern Cameroons Independence, (The Republic of Ambazonia).



Fig 1. Map of Southern Cameroons
Fig 2. Official Flag of Ambazonia

Above is the official map of Southern Cameroons and the official flag of Ambazonia (former British Southern Cameroons which today is illegally recognised as the North West and South West regions of La Republique du Cameroun).

Achieving goals and dreams usually requires some level of sacrifice. It might mean putting everything in life on the hold in favour of working towards your dreams, investing all of your savings, or giving up a few hours of sleep each night. Many people proclaim they want to achieve their goals, yet are unwilling to pay the price it takes to make their dreams a reality.

However, before you can ever choose to pay the price, you must know what the price is. If you don’t know what will truly be required to make your dreams a reality, investigate what it will take to achieve your desired goals. Research the causes of your discontent, the cost you might be required to pay and the costs other people have had to pay to achieve dreams similar to yours.

But if the price is something you are willing to pay, commit yourself to achieving your dream, no matter what it takes. The willingness therefore to do whatever is required is the magic ingredient that helps you persevere in the face of the challenges, setbacks, pain, and even personal injury.

Total independence for Southern Cameroons is my ultimate dream, if your dream is alike, then we have to fight for it till the end, in fact till the last man standing.

The way to independence for Southern Cameroons, is in the hands of the United Nations, Britain, and the people of Southern Cameroonians themselves. The UN should pursue the same path it took to grant independence to other UN trust territories. It must be highlighted here that Southern Cameroons is a unique UN trust territory that was and is still annexed by La Republique du Cameroun and France through an orthodox means by granting it independence with union within La Republique du Cameroun in 1961.

The UN should implement the UNGA Resolution 1514 – (XIV) of 14 December 1960 on the granting of independence to colonial territories and peoples, in which Southern Cameroons is a colonial territory within the UN.

History is one thing that must be referred to in order to avoid a repeat of a costly mistake in the future. It is in the light of the above that La Republique du Cameroun government failed to correct these mistakes more than 5 decades ago by totally assimilating, subjugating and annexation of Southern Cameroons.

To therefore correct these mistakes committed by La Republique du Cameroun, in 2016, lawyers went on a strike in an effort to force the government to stop appointing francophone magistrates who have no mastery of the English language and had no training in English Common Law to preside over courts in Southern Cameroons. Thus, during peaceful demonstrations in the cities of Buea and Bamenda, the lawyers were roughly manhandled by government forces.

Teachers too on their part, came out in support of the lawyers. They wanted the government to stop posting and transferring francophone teachers who have no mastery of the English language to teach subjects other than French in Anglophone schools. The government responded by banning the trade unions, many members-some of whom were engaged in negotiations with the government were arrested, and jailed on charges of terrorism and attempts to change the form of state.

As people across other professions sympathise with the teachers and lawyers, who instituted ‘ghosts towns’ in Southern Cameroon cities, everywhere on certain days of the week as part of a large scale boycott, the government again responded by shutting down the internet for 91 days.

As a result, the Southern Cameroonians took the matter in their own hands, and became more determined than ever before for a restoration of the independence of their statehood (Ambazonia).

Southern Cameroons must therefore be strong, resilient, focused, united and remember that there is no freedom served to any one person or people on a plate of gold. We will fight till one man remain standing, noting that there is no turning back. We will stop at nothing until we get what rightly belongs to us and our generations to come which is INDEPENDENCE.

The rigmarole of the reunification in Cameroon: From the missed condominium to internal annexation agenda


Mathew N. M. Ngime




The premeditated marriage between the British Southern Cameroons and La Republique du Cameroun has become what could finally be termed a “barren tree” that has not only refused to bear fruits but hunting down its proponents. Fifty years of epic failures of the reunification have vanished, but the saga of the union that was orchestrated by La Republique du Cameroun continues in a rather appalling transformational cinema(Awasom, 2000). After decades of failed attempts to subvert the ideologies of anglophonism, and to francophonise the British Southern Cameroonians through what could be termed an “internal annexation agenda”, it has come of age for the central government to look at itself in the “federation mirror” and “mind the gap” that exists between the two territories in all ramifications(Nzume, 2004).In light of “minding the gap”, the Southern Cameroon National Council (SCNC) set the pace in 1995 for self-determination towards a peacefully negotiated independence, upon realizing that the union was a historical mistake that culminated ina wedding song dedicated to a couple in the mirror. The liberation of the British Southern Cameroons from outright marginalisation and torture(Yundze, 2017)cannot be syphoned off in favour of what can be considered first-class “cultural erosion”.This cultural erosion looms particularly with the recent passing of the bilingualism bill. It is today logical to settle on the fact that among the different schools of thought regarding the future of the British Southern Cameroons that emerged, credit is to be given to P.M. Kale of the KUP, Chief Nyenti of CCC,Fon V.S. Galega II,and F. N. Ajebe Sone of the KNC, and the “voice of the traditional rulers”,FonAchiribi II, who advocated for complete secession and independent state(Akara, 2015).

Since 2016, the “Etudi Palace” has been met with increasing ferocious commotion from the two English-speaking regions in Cameroon: the British Southern Cameroons, who believe secession is the only solution to be freed from the wanton political experience. This follows brutality, torture, intimidation, imprisonment, and indiscriminate killingdeployed by the central government as the only vectors to stop the civil insurrection and restore peace. The pandemonium which escalated in late 2016 when Anglophone lawyers took the streets and subsequently by teachers and students has led to many being victimised, abused, tortured, internally displaced, and killed. More than 3,000 have been killed with over 500,000 internally displaced and over 50,000 as refugees(Hendricks and Kiven, 2019; Fearnley and Silverman, 2020). The Anglophone problem can be attributed to 4 main causes including (1) shared colonialism, (2) constitutional problems, (3) internal annexation agenda, and (4) self-proclamation of independence.

Shared Colonialism: The missing Condominium

Cameroon is a bilingual country as a result of its dual colonisation by Britain and France. Cameroon’s tri-colonial period can be divided into the German protectorate (1884 – 1919),Mandate (1922 – 1945), and the Trusteeship (1945 – 1961) periods. The unequal partitioning of the territory, which subsequently became subject to foreign rule could be considered as the genesis of what is today known as the Anglophone problem(Konings and Nyamnjoh, 1997; Piet Konings and Nyamnjoh, 2003; Njung, 2019; Awasom, 2020; Agwanda and Asal, 2021). Cameroon was annexed in 1884 and remained under German rule until they were defeated in Europe during the First World War (WW1) in 1914 and subsequently in Cameroon by the British and French on March 17, 1916. The defeat in Cameroon led to an unequivocal partitioning of Kamerun (as it was called during the German rule) on June 28, 1919, following the Treaty of Versailles led by the “Big Four” (United States, Britain, France, and Italy)(Foreign Relations of the United States, no date; Neilson, 1999; Editors, 2009; United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2016),with France taking about 80% of the territory. This sowed the seed for future discontent. This partitioning was formalised by the League of Nations (created during the Versailles Treaty) on July 20, 1922, when Cameroon became a mandated territory and later as a UN trust territory in 1945, administered as separate territories by Britain and France(Mbuh, no date). British Southern Cameroons was administered from the Eastern Region of Enugu State in Nigeria. By October 1, 1954, British Southern Cameroonshad started a government and became a fully self-administered region by 1959. On January 1, 1960, French Cameroon baptised as “La Republique du Cameroun” (as distinct from the present-day Republic of Cameroon)became independent, followed by Nigeria on October 1, 1960 (Federal Republic of Nigeria), leaving British Cameroons at crossroads. Through a UN organised Plebiscite on February 11, 1961, the Northern and Southern British Cameroons were given only 2 options to get independence, to vote either to join (1) the Federal Republic of Nigeria or (2) La Republique du Cameroun(Fearnley and Silverman, 2020; Agwanda and Asal, 2021).

The fact that Britain lobbied for British Cameroons to join Nigeria did not only hamper the achievement of their independence but for British Southern Cameroons to be given fair treatment during the federation. This will later be seen in their neutrality and boycott of the Fouban constitutional talks. While British Northern Cameroons voted to join Nigeria, British Southern Cameroons on a “no-third-choice” basis voted (70%) to join La Republique du Cameroun, to become the Federal Republic of Cameroon. Following this, the UN passed a resolution (Resolution 1608)(UN, no date), outlining how the transition from the trusteeship was to be ensured before October 1, 1961. The lack of a condominium during this decolonisation process will later play negatively on the English-speaking minority and pave the way for the loss of the much desired sovereignty as a result of constitutional conspiracy. There is evidence that time was not taken to explain the implications of the different choices to the British Southern Cameroons who ignorantly cast their votes(Hansard, 1961).

Constitutional Conspiracy Dynamics

The British Southern Cameroons led by John NguFoncha and the Republic of Cameroon led by President AhmadouAhidjo met at the Foumban conference for a draft constitution on how the federation was to be run. The constitution which was to ensure federalism instead ensured a process from external annexation to internal annexation(Anyangwe, 2019). Articles 15 and 47 of the constitution gave excessive powers to the president including revising the constitution(Ebolo, 2014).It is also important to note here that the Foumban conference only came to compound the mistake that was already done by the KNDP and Kamerun Society (KS) that advocated for reunification with French Cameroon and rejected the option of an independent state during the London Constitutional Conference (LCC) of 1957(Akara, 2015). This was a perfect opportunity to correct the historical mistake. The Mamfe Plebiscite Conference of August 1959 that ended in a fiasco could not correct the mistake either. The price of failure to address the concerns of the British Southern Cameroons during these two conferences later manifested in the restriction of the UN Plebiscite options to just two. The omission of the third option of an independent British Southern Cameroon was also seen as a good argument for security against possible terrorist attacks from the maquisards of the then banned UPC in French Cameroon led by Roland Moumie, Abel Kingue and Ernest Oaundie(Nfi, 2011), as well as a good manoeuvre to win over the British Southern Cameroons in voting to join the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Eleven years (May 20, 1972), after the constitution was reluctantly signed by Premier Foncha, President AhmadouAhidjo changed the constitution through a referendum, moving the country from the Federal Republic of Cameroon to the United Republic of Cameroon. It is believed that this came briefly after the discovery of oil in British Southern Cameroon’s Victoria(Tembon, 2016) now known as Limbe. Twelve years later (February 4, 1984), President Paul Biya (who took power in 1982)passed a decree changing the name from the United Republic of Cameroon to the Republic of Cameroon with the implication that the double-star flag that represented the federation now became a single star flag. Added to that, the position of vice president was abolished and that of the prime minister was created. What this meant was that the position of Anglophones in Cameroon now shifted from the 2nd to the 5th personality, starting with the President, Senate president, speaker of the National Assembly, chairman of the Economic and Social Council, and the Prime Minister. The intention to completely assimilate and overwrite the identity of the British Southern Cameroons then became evident.

The change of the political landscape into multipartism launched in 1990 gave birth to a series of mechanisms, organisations, and channels through which the British Southern Cameroons could express their grievances. The Southern Cameroon National Council (SCNC) created in 1995 and led by Justice Frederick AlobwedeEbongwith the assistance of NforNgalaNfor, assumed the role of the executive council of all Anglophone movements(Piet. Konings and Nyamnjoh, 2003). The SCNC aims at a gradual nonviolent negotiation towards independence of a Federal Republic of Southern Cameroons (FRSC) underpinned by its motto, “the force of argument and not the argument of force”. The SCNC was banned in 2001(Agwanda and Asal, 2021) in an attempt to hide the truth from the public, part of the reason for which the true version of Cameroon history was never taught in schools. This led to the creation of the Anglophone Civil Society Consortium, whose banning also led to the creation of the Southern Cameroon Ambazonia Consortium United Front (SCACUF)(Depart of Foreign Affairs, 2018).

Internal Annexation Agenda

The internal annexation agenda was enshrined in the central government’s plan to constantly change the constitution till the deal is done. The wiping of anglophonism from the public space in Cameroon looms as tensions continue to build up with the recent passing of the bilingualism bill. The central government will not stop at anything in completing the internal annexation process of the British Southern Cameroons that was simply formalized during the Foumban conference(Achankeng, 2015). It is alleged that top officials of La Republic who attended the “primary school conference” in Fouban referred to as the “sham conference” elsewhere(Konings and Nyamnjoh, 2019) already knew that the Foumban Conference was the formal start of the annexation agenda of the British Southern Cameroons(Anyangwe, 2009). It is reported that before the Foumban Conference, the UN organised Plebicite was characterised by manic political propaganda and deceit to deter Southern Cameroonians from the popular opinion of an independent entity.This was further compounded by Foncha’s growing interest in reunification(Kam Kah, 2016) following a series of meetings with President AmadouAhidjo. It is also worth noting that the referendum was organised in french Cameroon and it is therefore not surprising that the president received an overwhelming landslide vote in favour of a unitary state.The current president who was the Prime Minister under President Ahidjo, prior to his rise to power following Law No.79/2 of 29 June 1979, must have had a grasp of the annexation agenda and as such simply expedited it.  Like to say that the plan put forth by President Ahidjo was too slow, President Paul Biyawill not call for a referendum but simply pass a decree for the country’s change of name. In summary, the UN Plebiscite “sowed” the seed of internal annexation, President AhmadouAhidjo “watered”, and President Paul Biya “sealed” the deal

The persistence of the Anglophone movements organized under the SCNC amid all odds including the Southern Cameroon Youth League (SCYL), Cameroon Anglophone Movement that became the Southern Cameroon Restoration Movement (SCARM), Sothern Cameroon People’s Organisation (SCPO), Ambazonia Movement, Coalition for Dialogue and Negotiation (CDN), among others, has largely been due to the neglect and complete refusal by the central government to give ear to the plight of the Anglophones or even acknowledge that there is anything as the “Anglophone problem”(Nkongho and Shepherd, 2017). This is particularly so because giving ear to the Anglophones will be contrary to the original plan to completely erode the identity of British Southern Cameroons(Fonchingong, 2013). This is no news as it must be noted here that the annexationof the central government dates as far back as the French colonial period. While Britain’s policy was based on “divide and rule”,evident in the partitioning of its territory into Northern and Southern British Cameroons, it should not be forgotten that France implemented the policy of “assimilation” in all its colonies whereby locals are subjected to a complete cultural transformation and change of identity. It would have therefore been foolish to think that la Republic du Cameroun will respect the terms of the federation had it been this was still the case, that is to say, the least.  Going by this, it will be wise to believe that federalism will not even be on the agenda of a national dialogue, that is if there ever happens to be one, in the absence of the international community. Accusing fingers have been pointed at the UN, Britain, and Nigeria for conspiracy over expediting the annexation of the British Southern Cameroons by “La Republic du Cameroun”(Edward, 2018; Konings and Nyamnjoh, 2019). This is evident in the continued decline of British interest in the British Southern Cameroons with the advent of reunification(Willis et al., 2020).

The military indiscriminately kills civilians under the pretext of searching for “freedom fighters”, with the ultimate aim to completely wipe out the notion of Anglophonism from the public space. The Ngabuh village incident of February 14, 2020(Craig, 2020), the Muambong raid of April 22 in the same year(CNA, 2020)alongside many other documented cases(Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, 2021; HRW, 2022) are a clear testimony. The central government has further tightened its grip on the British Southern Cameroons through the passing of the bilingualism bill. This did not just sound like a real blow in the teeth after all the wrangling over marginalisation but like the last straw as well. The onus is upon the SCNC to engage the international community in bringing efforts up-to-speed in stopping the brutality, torture, calumny, imprisonment, and killings that have become the main vectors of pushing forward the annexation agenda.

Self-proclamation of Independence

In order to get an understanding of the foundations of separatism and self-proclamation of independence, it is worth shedding lighton the past. Separatism is not a word that emerged out of the cloud in the historiography of Cameroon.The idea of separatism and independence which was indigenous to the British Southern Cameroons started with the Mamfe Conference of June 1948 that culminated in the unanimous approval and petition for a separate entity(Budi, 2019). This desire was formalised through the merging of Endeley’sKamerun National Federation (KNF) and Dibongue’sKamerun United National Congress (KUNC), to form the Kamerun National Congress (KNC) in 1953. This was led by 3 activists including Solomon TandengMuna, Emanuel MbelaLifafeEndeley, and John NguFoncha. The KNC had as sole aim to fight for the independence of the British Southern Cameroons. This is what led to the creation of a legislative house: House of Assembly in Buea by Britain (Council of Order of 1954) with an executive council and Dr Emanuel MbelaLifafeEndeley as the leader, giving the British Southern Cameroons partial autonomy from the Nigerian Federation. In 1955, John NguFoncha and Solomon TendengMuna left the KNC to form the Kamerun National Democratic Party (KNDP), following the change of the political opinion of Dr. E.M.L Endeley who instead advocated for integration with Nigeria. Among those who advocated for secession from Nigeria and independent state were P.M. Kale of the KUP, Chief Nyenti of CCC, Fon V.S. Galega II and F. N. Ajebe Sone of the KNC, and the “voice of the traditional rulers” FonAchiribi II(Akara, 2015).

The UN resolution 1064 of 26 February 1957(UN General Assembly, no date a; UN GA (11th Session:1956-1957), 1957) and 1207 of December 13, 1957(UN General Assembly, no date b) requested for the fast-tracking of procedures for all trust territories to attain independence. This in addition to mounting pressures gave British Southern Cameroons autonomy and the status of a fully self-managed region. Dr. E. M. L. Endeley emerged as the first Prime Minister after free and fair elections between KNC and KNDP. It was the need for independence from Nigeria that led to the replacement of Dr. E. M. L. Endeley with John NguFonchawhose ideologies were more acceptable to the people. This was a clear indication that the people choose the leader they want and not the leader choosing the people he/she wants to secure his position in power.

Prior to the escalation of the Anglophone problem, it must be recalled that the British Southern Cameroons issued a number of warnings upon realising that the federation was not fit for purpose and that it was merely an agenda to annexation and assimilation. It is equally pertinent to logically think that the emergence of SCNC was as a result of the inability of the central government to heed to the concerns raised during the All Anglophones Conference of Buea in 1993 and subsequently in Bamenda in 1994, which culminated into the “Buea Declaration”(Ngoh, 1999) and the “Bamenda Declaration” respectively, with the latter serving a warning to the government to restore the federation without which there will be a self-proclamation of independence. On December 31, 1999, members of the SCNC took over the Buea Radio Station and proclaimed independence read by Judge Frederick AlobwedeEbong. On October 11, 2016, Anglophone lawyers took the streets to raise concerns about the common law which is constantly being undermined and gradually being replaced with civil law. This was particularly concerning because under the common law, one is innocent until proven guilty, whereas, under civil law, the same is guilty until he/she proves contrary. The government response was brutal, with many arrested and imprisoned. This was followed by teachers on November 21, 2016, complaining of French teachers constantly being deployed to teach in Anglophone schools. The response was the same and perhaps worse. University students followed suit but the response was characterised by torture, rape, and arrests. This indicated that the government was not ready to condone anything having to do with Anglophone nationalism.

On October 1, 2017, Anglophone movements championed by the SCACUF self-proclaimed independence in the Southern Cameroon territory, into a new state known as the Federal Republic of Ambazionia(Depart of Foreign Affairs, 2018). This escalated into armed conflicts between civilians and the military, leading to many being killed (more than 3,000), internally displaced (more than 500,000), with the greater majority (about 50,000) fleeing into Nigeria as refugees(Hendricks and Kiven, 2019). In an attempt to see into the plight of the many internally displaced and seeking humanitarian assistance, the leaders of the SCACUF including the president, SisikuAyukTabe, and other elites met at the Nera Hotel in Abuja in Nigeria. They were arrested on January 5, 2018, by the Nigerian Department of State Security, extradited to Cameroon on January 23, 2018, and handed to the Cameroon government. Since then, there have been serial unrest in the two English speaking regions leading to innocent killings and unspeakable violation of human rights(Willis et al., 2019; Cameroon 2020, 2020; US Department of State, 2021).

SCNC and the Anglophone Nationalism

Evidence suggests that the reason for the failed independence of British Southern Cameroons in the past was because the slogan of reunification was given more attention over the need for independence(Njeuma, 1995). Besides, it could be argued that while British Southern Cameroons perceived reunification as the unconditional means to obtain independence, but with culturally distinct identities and equivocal powers, La Republique du Cameroun saw it as an opportunity for assimilation avant-garde(Konings and Nyamnjoh, 2021) and equated it to a surrender of sovereignty(Agwanda and Asal, 2021). It is alleged that President Charles de Gaulle’s perception of British Southern Cameroons was that of the Queen’s gift to France(Milen, 1999), and this is the treatment that the region has received since then. Notwithstanding the calumny regarding the SCNC’s efforts to end the struggle, it is incumbent on the SCNC to bring together its sister organizations and engage the international community if the struggle must forge ahead.The SCNC has made several attempts in raising awareness about the plight of the Anglophones. Apart from indiscriminate killings and human rights abuses most diffused through social media, it is thanks to the SCNC’s continued human right abiding approach that the problem has received international recognition.Aligning this with history, it must be noted that peaceful negotiations have always received international recognition as the gold standard. That is why the Union des Populations Camerounaises (UPC) fought for the separate independence of both Cameroons(Ngoh, 1979) but it was granted to Union Camerounaise (UC) that went for peaceful negotiation(Jone, 1998) with France. Some remarkable efforts of the SCNC include the nine-man delegation to the UN on May 19, 1995,a mission statement to the UN,  numerous petitions against the annexation of British Southern Cameroons, the two-man delegation to the Commonwealth summit in Auckland in November 1995 to note that Cameroon did not meet the criteriafor admission into Commonwealth, the formation of the Southern Cameroons Peoples Organisation (SCAPO) and its role in the ruling of the Nigerian Federal High Court restraining the Nigerian government from treating the people of British Southern Cameroons as an integral part of La Republique du Cameroun, a complaint against La Republiquedu Cameroon to the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR)(Konings and Nyamnjoh, 2019), its membership with the Unrepresented Nations and People’s Organisation (UNPO)(The Star, 2011), and the organisation of public demos, just to name a few.

The SCNC as the flag bearer(Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, no date; Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, 2018)that considers that today’s British Southern Cameroons are victims of imperfect decolonization and internal annexation by La Republique du Cameroun(About Scnc – Southern Cameroon National Council UK, no date; SCNC, 2006)has a pivotal role in the realisation of the dreams of the British Southern Cameroonians. The banning of the SCNC in 2001 in an attempt to subdue the ranks of its influence(IRIN, 2007), ravaged and shifted its momentum to the diaspora with the most active arms in the UK and the US.There is the need for a renewed sense of hope and purpose among the British Southern Cameroonians to assume a continuum.Albeit having the ultimate task of bringing together all the pressure groups and promoting a strong sense of unity and patriotism, it must observe that this is done with care as there are reports of fake movements within the movement itself setup by the government.  For instance, it is reported that there is a government-created SCNC with the sole aim of downplaying the credibility of the SCNC(Southern Cameroons National Council (SCNC), no date).The SCNC should recognise rebuilding the unity which is gradually fading away(Konings and Nyamnjoh, 2019) and risks putting international commitment to the course at crossroads, as being primordial.

At crossroads and pressing is the question of humanitarian support for those who have been imprisoned incommunicado, internally displaced, and in refugee camps. There is an urgent need to explore funding avenues to support the many reported to be affected(Department for International Development and Baldwin, 2018; Norwegian Refugee Council, 2021) by the conflict. UNICEF UK estimates that USD20 million are needed by UNICEF to meet its commitment in supporting children in difficulties in the British Southern Cameroons(Unicef UK Media Team, 2019). In response to this call, the SCNC may either append its efforts to those of UNICEF UK or act as a case-finding facilitator. A secondary data review has assessed the risks and needs of those affected by the crisis(Global Protection Cluster, 2019).


The need and struggle for independence of the British Southern Cameroons has left many British Southern Cameronians in limbo and it is not clear when this perplexing and sickening situation will come to an end. The account in this commentary indicates that West Cameroon was politically maneuvered and brainwashed by the so-called “Fouban Federal Constitution” which meant different things to both parties(Agwanda and Asal, 2021). While the federation was seen by West Cameroon as an escape corridor from Nigeria(Ngoh, 1979)but also as a safety net to maintaining cultural, political, economic, and educational integrity(Achankeng, 2015), to the East “wing”, it was the start of the annexation process of the English counterparts as British Southern Cameroons was simply invited to adopt a draft constitution. As such, the terms of the constitution of a federal republic were unilaterally decided. This can be evident in the central government’s crackdown of any opposition directed to this end. It is logical to think that the banning of the SCNC that believes in the peaceful resolution of the Anglophone problem led to the proliferation of more violent pressure groups. This has led to divided attention among the British Southern Cameroonians: a major bone of contention to deal with. Leaders of the different pressure groups need to get their heads straight.

The Anglophone problem despite being complex is one that can,further to a failed federal system, be attributed to the central government’s continued effort to annex and assimilate English speaking Cameroon and completely eradicate the ideology of anglophonism. It is customary to think that a complete eradication and replacement of the ideology of anglophonism should be the final bus stop of the central government and it will not hesitate to use radical measures in the process(Holmdahl and Buckee, 2020). It cannot, therefore, be surprising that the central government declared war against British Southern Cameroonians instead of sustainably seeking to address the issues that were raised. It is also not surprising why the decentralization promised a long time ago is hard to come by, neither should it be surprising why the Swiss process and the Yaoundé talks of September 30, 2019, framed as “national dialogue”came to nothing. The ubiquitous nature of French officials in the British Southern Cameroon institutions is simply a revelation of this annexation agenda. It can be said that the Anglophone problem sumsto the resilience to assimilation and the internal annexation agenda of the central government. Any peace talks that will fall short of the involvement of the United Nations will simply be a repetition of the same mistakes of the Foumban Conference. It is imperative, for British Southern Camerooniansto put aside their differences, for fear that the question of who is who? in the struggle becomes even more important than the negotiation process itself(Bone, 2020). It is also important to think that the internal conflicts among the British Southern Cameroonians themselves demonstrate a lack of maturity(Bone, 2021) and may tend to give reason to the international community to believe that they did not make a mistake in limiting the UN Plebiscite question options to two. Besides, within the political landscape of Cameroon itself, addressing the Anglophone problem may not be a priority to the central government that is preoccupied with wrangling over who becomes the next president(Jeune Afrique, 2020).





(Commonwealth Day SCNC protest of March 9, 2020 at Wesminster Abbey, London)
Mathew N. M. Ngime




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Willis, R. et al. (2020) ‘“We Remain Their Slaves”: Voices from the Cameroon Conflict’, SSRN Electronic Journal. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3576732.

Yundze, G. (2017) Cameroon’s Anglophones call for secession or federalism, Anadolu Agency. Available at: (Accessed: 4 February 2022).



February 6, 2022
CAN CAMEROUN 2021 ends today, February 6, 2022. The point now is not whether it was played by lizards, rats or cats. Not whether the best Kamer player is a one-eyed sheep or a mad cow! SAVE A MATTER OF TRYING TO LICK UP SPILT MILK! But, No! The task of today should be excogitating what lessons can be learnt.
Our own interest, on our part, for instance, is the performance of Cameroun now and in 1972; and how that can be translated into the real national public life. We think that what strikes most in the first place is how an event taking place in 2022 can logically be said to be of 2021.
One of the fruits of such dishonesty is that Cameroun has ended up retrograding. The bigoted, of course, are quick to say they are third in the overall classification.
True it is that Cameroun was third in 1972. What preceded that, though, is that Cameroun lost at semi-final on the Ahmadou Ahidjo Stadium with a deficit of ONE GOAL ONLY. Much as Cameroun is third in 2022, the deficit at semi-final on the same Ahmadou Ahidjo Stadium is TWO GOALS.
What, then, explains for all that? All points to this one fact that Ahmadou Ahidjo’s ghost does haunt Cameroun! HOW CAN IT BE OTHERWISE? Only a few days ago did the world learn that Ahmadou Ahidjo’s Stadium has been renamed MFANDENA Stadium! WHAT CALLOUS DESPARATION!!! Even Jesus did ask: “Where are the OTHER NINE”.
NEVER MIND! What is of crucial importance now is where all this leads to pragmatically. It goes without saying that CAN is a true reflection of the conduct of official business in Cameroun. To put it otherwise, the Camerounese value dose in the conduct of official business now is in the negative: up to MINUS TWO!
Consequently, the Camerounese citizens have grown envious. WHAT, FOR INSTANCE, ACCOUNTS FOR THE AVERSION FOR IVORY COAST? PURE ENVY! AND UNDERSTANDABLY! Cameroun was at par with the Ivory Coast in cocoa production at independence. While the Ivory Coast is above one million tons per annum today, Cameroun has been struggling over the years to get to two hundred and fifty thousand tons!
By Electa Shalo Manyimuchua

Major National Dialogue

In September 2019, President Paul Biya proposed a major national dialogue aimed at resolving the Anglophone Crisis in the Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon, but this proposed dialogue by the president did not include the separatist it appears nor important English –speaking Constituencies and in addition, the President did not allow for greater Anglophone participation and neutral facilitation for the dialogue.

Biya proposed a national dialogue aimed at addressing the ongoing conflict between his government and the Anglophone separatists has laid waste to Cameroon’s Northwest and Southwest regions. This proposal was part of his way to Solve the Crisis cause of the mounting international Concern over the Crisis.

This dialogue as proposed was an opportunity for his government and Anglophone Leaders to table the Potential Solutions but it will neither include Separatist leaders nor have much room for the Anglophones who Support the Federation within the Cameroon borders. So, this dialogue never made space for Anglophone separatists who held strong Opinions about Federalism, and even the government didn’t show much appetite for Reconciliation.

On 22 September 2022, some separatist leaders abroad restated their willingness to talk with the government, but this proposed idea was rejected by the government and the Government has not called for a cease-fire or opened a safe invitation for a proposed dialogue with the Separatist Movement or the Anglophone prisoners still in detention.

Author: Elias Babe Tiku

International Groups Condemn the Anglophone Crisis

As the Genocide in Anglophone Cameroon continues, perpetuated by the government Authorities several international groups have condemned the human rights violations in Anglophone Cameroon. Amnesty International’s latest report on Cameroon documents Crimes under national law and human rights violations including unlawful killings, murders, sexual violations and abductions all committed by the Cameroondefence forces the Security forces and the armed separatist northwest and southwest regions in recent years.

In December 2022, members of the Cameroonian Army killed three people and destroyed at least 10 houses in a village in the Bui Division in the North West region of Cameroon, the incident was reported to be in retaliation for an earlier attack on the army by Separatist in the area. A village resident shared his harrowing account with Amnesty International, he was startled from his home to see some neighbour’s houses in flames Fearing for his safety, he quickly ran to grab a few possessions but as soon as he came to the door he saw 11 soldiers, all in military uniforms they asked him in French “where are the amba boys you keep in the village, ”when he truthfully said he did not know of the whereabouts of any separatist, one of the soldiers reacted aggressively, forcefully pushing him down and subsequently ordering fellow soldiers to set his house ablaze another soldier holding a five-litre gallon of petrol proceeded to douse the house with it and ignited the flames.

In March 2022, a horrifying incident took place in the village of the Mboko- Tanyi, Armed separatists attacked a Mbororo Fulani compound including a home where a woman and her seven-year-old child and six-month-old baby had been sleeping they first shot the woman and proceeded to burn the house with all three of them inside, killing all of them. The woman’s husband who was not present said that he never had any problem either with the Amba boys or anyone in the village before the attack. He told Amnesty International in despair that one of his brothers called him the next morning to tell him that the Amba boys had burned down his house with 2 of his children in it and his wife as well.

These are a few cases of so many gross human rights violations going on in the English-speaking part of Cameroon, the International Crisis Group (I.C.G) has urged the African Union to prioritised addressing the Anglophone Crisis, This appeal from the (I.C.G) adds to the numerous calls made by the international bodies to smooth out suitable means to resolve the ongoing Crisis.

Author: Elias Babe Tiku

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