Home – Where is Home?

It is an unfortunate situation for the people of British Southern Cameroon.


For four years, no rest, no sleep, no peace, no happiness.

People are driven from  their homes, either by gunshot or by the smell of smoke from fires started by government soldiers looking for their brothers and sisters of the country, or maybe from the same village, tribe, or even the same town.


The life of the people of British Southern Cameroon are still in limbo. Home. Where is home?…..We don’t have a home anymore as everyone is looking for somewhere to hide their head.—They don’t even mind if it is comfortable or not.


Fleeing from Home


Unsettlement in Cameroon has driven boys and girls into prostitution and also driven some to premature death. The people of Southern Cameroon are homeless and stateless as they take risks that only put their life on the line. In any country they go through, the local people may find it hard to accept that Cameroonians are prepared to take any risk to enter a country. Southern Cameroonians have decided that it is better to be eaten by crocodiles, or drowned in water, or be eaten by wild forest animals, rather than to go back to Cameroon.




Youth  are supposed to be the leaders of tomorrow, but in this case they go instead to other African countries, smaller and also poorer, just to make ends meet. But some die in the process from sickness, or having no money, or from poisoning. Some even get killed by their employer as their affairs have got out of hand.

With pregnancy comes the risk that they will be killed because they don’t want to be found out  –   or maybe their wife has found out and given them poison direct. I can go on and on.


Humans Being Burnt

Imagine the world without humans. In Southern Cameroon these days I think animals are more respected by the government at this time of struggle than the people of Amba. Since this fighting between the Ambazonians and the republic people have been barbecued by the soldiers who have decided to roast people alive. The government have turned their heart to stone with no feelings. From January to March they have been killing by fire and gun the innocent people who cannot defend themselves.

It is very difficult when people are not allowed to stay in other countries because if they have to return to Cameroon life is very dangerous for them as their government don’t care if they live or die. Imagine your 5 year old being roasted like a barbecue pork?….Who wouldn’t protect their children?…  Babies are being burnt  –   toddlers are being burnt   – an old mum or dad who can’t walk are being burnt?…. Ambazonians are tired and don’t know what to do.


Now the trick the government are using to punish innocent people is burning their planting seeds. This means they will starve. They burn their homes to make them homeless, hungry, and desperate to survive. Those who have managed to enter another country are still struggling even though they don’t believe they are at risk. If the government can burn babies what will theyl do to those belonging to a movement or party?  You still remain a threat to the government of La Republic because they have no respect for anyone.



I am just raising my voice, joining that of my brothers and sisters scattered around the world in search of safety and a home where they will find peace, hope and love. I hope my cry will be loud enough for the world to see and intervene.




Vivian Ngum Fomukong




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